Wednesday, December 5, 2012

simply not WORTH WAITING

ASSALAMUALAIKUM ! BEEEPS.. BEEPS ! haha, hello guys ! how are you ? hope you just fine. ok, entry kali nih kan , i think nk share something yg beneficial for all of us ( tapi mmg aku akn post something yg beri benefit pun ) hehe ^-^ ok let's go to the main topic.. chehh mcm cikgu lak akuu nih.

sebenarnya last week , aku ade bce satu article kat blog favorite aku iaitu blog nih menceritakan topic yg smmgnye popular tak  kira lah kat fb  ke, twitter ke , majalah and so on. tersentuh hati aku bace article nih beb. menusuk hgge ke tulang hitam ( ntah ade ke tidak tulang hitam :p) ok3.. nk citer psl artikel tuh kan, pd zmn dunia tanpa sempadan nih manusia skrg suke sngt post3 psl kahwen awal . HAA ! kahwin awal mende tuh lah yg artikel tuh ckp. kalau kte bkak fb, ke twitter ke msty ade lah yg rajin nk post psl mende nih. bkn ape, aku x kesah bce apatah lg nk like n comment mende3 yg friends tuh post. tp kalau dh asyik3 on9 terserempak ngan menda same bak kate org kelate ' buke dio baso nk baco sopmo'.

SEBENARNYA..orang3 yg nk kahwin awal nih sudah bersedia ke? dh kuat iman anda di dada? adakah anda mmg btul3 rase dh dpt jalankn tanggungjawab kat ats dunia nih? tggjwb dgn ALLAH dh tertunai? tggjwb dgn mak ayah dh jalankn? tggjwb dgn keluarga plak mcm ner? kahwin awal nih pom tggjwb taw tak?

ADIK KAKOK SEKALIAN.. udah3 lah anda sibuk nk post3 psl kahwen awal nih. udah3 lah nk share gmbr3 kahwen artis kat malaysia especially irma hasmie. anda sume yg post mende3 mcm tuh mmg dh x boleh kawal nafsu nk kahwin ke?

in sha ALLAH

actually, everybody stay in different situations. ALLAH have defined us in His plans, when will we born, when will we marry, how long our life goes and sorts of plans that only ALLAH knows. why we should exaggerated about something that we exactly do not know? is it compulsory? ALLAH have opens many door to jannah and marriage is also one of the prerequisite of Islam.YES, everybody know that marriage is door to Jannah. should we focused on marriage and at the same time neglected the other GOD errands?

Anjuran perkahwinan oleh Nabi SAW melalui sabda baginda:
"Wahai sekalian pemuda-pemuda: Sesiapa di antara kamu yang mampu nikah (disebut dalam syarah makna hadis ini, "Nikah" bererti jima', nafkah dan mahar)", maka berkahwinlah; kerana sesungguhnya ia (kahwin) lebih menundukkan pandangan, lebih menjaga kemaluan. Dan jika dia tidak mampu, maka (digalakkan) berpuasa; itu adalah penjagaan baginya."
(Hadis Sahih Riwayat Al-Bukhari 1905, Muslim 1400)

kawan3 sume, looking at the positive side. yes it is very good to have the marriage than going out with someone who is not mahram to us. it is undeniable to say that early marriage have many benefits. BUT, it is full of challenges, full of thorn twist. if u can handle the the ship yes, u can arrived at the destination. but if u failed to do so, u will just stay in the ship and go with the flow till the huge waves come and ruined  it.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: ''The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his wife.'' (Tirmidhi and Nasa'i)
As a Muslim woman, I also want a great man to marry me - the man who lowers his gaze so that I become the only woman he sees, the man who preserved his heart for me, the man whose love will make me stronger - a gift from Allah, insya-Allah. Surely, I want him to encourage me to be closer to Allah in our baitul muslim; baitul dakwah.
But sisters, do you think that a prince of deen will marry you while you just sit in front of your laptop, busy updating your status about marrying a righteous man or sharing almost all of Irma Hasmie's marriage photos and saying how lucky she is to become a wife of a great man? Will a prince of deen look for you just because of your splendid poem about marriage, your 'surat-buat-calon-suami' entries or your 'menanti-bakal-imamku-dunia-akhirat' status? No. the prince will never comes to someone who simply updates the status or sharing early marriage entries.
  Resembles yourself to God as the righteous servants and only then He will sent away to you the prince of deen. believe in me, the article that i have read is very give an awareness about this matter. how dim we are, just delivered the hope in facebook status about early marriage, about the strength of marriage in Islam but totally know nothing about the responsibilities that come after the marriage.  

and then, i wanna advised u olls yg tgh sibuk bercintan cintun tuh. please wake up dear, live the life to its fullest. full and fill it with more treasure activities. remember ALLAH in what ever you do.
for those who are still searching for the life partner, get ready in yourselves first. get ready with iman and knowledge and then ALLAH will sent the righteous partner in your life 


main guli sakit gigi, 
lain kali saye post lagi !


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